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Minotaur Axe Shield...
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Minotaur Axe Shield 1 Supported

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Joined: 6 years ago
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I printed 2 at first, one without supports (add your own) and the pre-support print which is what this post is about.

20220509 101200

After clean up the black primer was sprayed.

20220512 184231

 Next was adding in all the base colors for the different areas.

20220514 102102
20220514 180815

Next is shield work.

20220514 180825
20220515 153335

Next is finishing the shield and then the rest after which a dull coat was sprayed.

20220515 180636
20220515 180710
20220515 180739
20220515 180642

Then a closer look at the figure I did touch up work to fix the dullness on the axe and a few other areas a long with adding in the color for the nose ring.

20220516 191255
20220516 191234
IMG 20220515 115208 01
20220516 191221
20220516 191245

Final pictures in the gallery 



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