Category: Uncategorized
Resin 3D Print Demonic Furry
Resin 3D Print Minotaur Axe Shield 1 Supported
Resin 3D Dragon
Resin 3D prints
Trumpeter German WR 360 C12 Locomotive
German Repair Depot
German Cargo Truck for Repair Depot Diorama
Tamiya German Self Propelled Howitzer Wespe
Tamiya Kubelwagen Type 82 1/16 scale

I put the repair diorama on the back burner to build this Tamiya kit. Started January 8th and finished today 3/14/2021 with all the small work, weathering and a 1/16 scale figure. The build link on the forum It now sits next to the Jagdtiger in the display case.