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Part 1; Dragon 1/35...
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Part 1; Dragon 1/35th M4A1 Sherman 76 (W)

Harold Adams
Joined: 6 years ago
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This kit's been on the shelf, well on and off for about 3 years now. I started it back in 2017. It's a decent kit and went together satisfactorily. There were some fit issues, and as some of you know with Dragon kits,  the instructions are sometimes bad. The instructions for this one weren't great, but not terrible. 

Here's the build sequence starting with the box art. 

Anyway I've decide to finish this one up😁

20170422 140718

. There have been a few errors and visible mistakes 🤔😒on it but they've been fixed to the best of my abilities. 

Let's begin and have a look.😏

Here's the assembly process. A few add ons like some TMD photoetch items, Master Model M1919 brass barrel, and Adler Antenna were added as well as scratch built sand shield brackets, using Evergreen Plastics. Bogie assemblies were built, sanded and detailed accordingly, with lots of sanding and of course holes drilled.

20170422 140723
20170423 035758
20170423 140718
20190718 140946
20190718 141431
20170423 035751
20190718 141423
20190718 140954
20190718 141001


Ron reacted
Harold Adams
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Here's part two of this build. As you can see tools and straps were added, complete kit was painted with Mission Models Black Primer. For the roadwheels I like to use Quick Wheel masks. They work great and I highly recommend them. I build my Sherman bogies a little different than every body else as I want to assure the assembly is completely painted. I always keep my roadwheels separate. I also test fitted the complete bogie assemblies.

Next was the OD, again I used Mission Models paints which went on smoothly.

Take a look.

20190721 164208
20190718 141406
20190721 164213
20190718 141019
20190718 141015
20190718 141032
20190810 190338
20190721 170920
20190721 181058
20190718 141436


Ron reacted
Harold Adams
Joined: 6 years ago
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Greetings all!

Here we are at Part 3;

Decided on a late war Black and OD camo; oversprayed it with Mission Models Satin and decided to add decals and such. I regret this as the decals had terrible edge film for some reason and I removed the rear registration codes and  damaged the paint🤬

20190815 215350
20190811 000431
20190811 000439
20190811 000421
20190815 215424
20190815 215358
20190812 120531


Ron reacted
Harold Adams
Joined: 6 years ago
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Greetings all!

Here we are at Part 3;

Decided on a late war Black and OD camo; oversprayed it with Mission Models Satin and decided to add decals and such. I regret this as the decals had terrible edge film for some reason and I removed the rear registration codes and  damaged the paint🤬

20190815 215350
20190811 000431
20190811 000439
20190811 000421
20190815 215424
20190815 215358
20190812 120531

I also did som chipping and weathering to it.

Ron reacted
Harold Adams
Joined: 6 years ago
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Welcome to Part 4.

Some weathering and getting the tracks ready. I used Master Club  3

20190827 010701

cleat Sherman tracks.

20190817 220133
20190815 215323
20190817 214926
20190815 215344
20190817 214852
20190815 215317
20190815 215341
20190907 212605

 Tracks were blackened first using the Mig Blackening solution and then weathered using diluted pigments. Once completed i went over the raised track surface with sanding stick and Uschi polishing powders.

20190908 211457
20190908 211448
20190908 211425

 Test fitting of tracks. Removed a few links each side, to get a more taught look. Sherman's had a tight fit. Broke one of the idlers. Knew that was coming. Was able to do a repair. Its been holding good for awhile. Knock on wood!

Ron reacted
Harold Adams
Joined: 6 years ago
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Greetings all!

Welcome to part 5 of this build.

20190908 213202
20190923 005058
20190908 233951
20191004 140237
20190923 005310
20191129 023937
20190908 213233
20191004 140253
20190908 234221

 Removed some links from tracks, and refitted them. 

 Worked on 'ma deuce' (M2 .50 Caliber MG) detailed it using a mixture of parts. Replaced barrel with aftermarket one from RB Models. Other parts are a mixture of scratch building, copper wire and such. Started painting stowage. Stowage is a mixture of Legends, ValueGear,  Asuka U.S. jerrycans, Tamiya, and MiniArt.  

Ron reacted
Harold Adams
Joined: 6 years ago
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Greetings all! Part 6!

20191129 023903

 Ok so I misted some Life Color dust pigment over the top and bottom of the vehicle. Wasn't happy with it and found a way to actually dilute it by spraying Mig Ultra Matt.

20200913 004026

 Here it is diluted and looks a helluva alot better. Don't get me wrong, I ve seen some colored (not recolor or colorized) of tanks in the field and my 'before' looked good, but not to me. I felt I was actually hiding details. Going to add more fuel, oil and other stains as well as finishing the .50 and stowage. Have some more items of stowage, like mussett bags with straps to the turret and such! 

Ammo cans and ration boxes are done. Hopefully the end is near.😏😌

Ron reacted
Harold Adams
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Greetings All! Part 7. 

A rainy Florida day late in Hurricane season!

And what better activity but do some work today on this Sherman.  

Here goes; got all the rear and turret stowage mounted. And there is a variety of it. After viewing many pictures of wartime Shermans of all variants, I decided to add alot of stowage, depicting a tank on the advance,  and make it realistically attached with ropes and straps. I see when some folks add stowage, they just glue it on and leave it...no, no, no.. That doesn't work for me. Look at pictures and you'll see. As you'll see I also added fuel spills and wet effects, as well as leaking oil and such. 

Coming up next after this, Part 8 and finale. I'll do the following; 

1. Aerial Recognition panel on rear.

2. Tow Cable

3. .50 Cal and its offerings. 

4. Front Stowage of spare roadwheel, and gas can, some slight weathering and that should be it. 🥳😌

Here's some pics for this part!

Take a look!

20200913 233642
20200913 234714
20200913 233716


Ron reacted
Harold Adams
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 93
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20200926 220814
20200926 220729
20200926 220623
20200926 220830
20200926 220708
20200926 220632
20200926 220643
20200926 220741

And so, this shelf queen is done!

Final weathering and I added some spent .50 cal brass casings and links courtesy of Master Model and Live Resin. Foliage, mixed,  (green leaves)  I made myself, using the RP Toolz leafe maker. Other than that its done! 


Ron reacted
Reputable Member Admin Registered
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Posts: 211

Looks fantastic... nothing like a small display to bring it to life

Harold Adams reacted
Harold Adams
Joined: 6 years ago
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Thanks Ron. I'm trying to get all my Shelf Queens done! Looks like your making alot of headway on your dio!👍👍



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