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Rye Field Model 1/3...
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Rye Field Model 1/35th scaleSherman firefly VC

Harold Adams
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 93
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Started this one on a wim. Just set my other projects aside and started de-sprueing parts. The hardest part of the build? The sand shield mounting brackets were giving me some issues as they are photoetch brass. I do not care for photo etch parts.😐the tracks, hmmm🤔, well, you just have to be patient, but these, were pretty easy and the jig supplied, really, really helped in their complete assembly.😆 So, here are some pics of the build. I did apply paint already and am up to the chipping and weathering phase. Decals and pin wash are next, as well as painting the tracks. Here's some pics of the build.Β 

Model was primed using Badger Stynylrez black primer.

Followed by the following Ammo of Mig and Mission Model's paints 🎨;

Olive Drab Base AMIG 0926

Olive Drab Shadow AMIG 0924

Olive Drab Light Base AMIG 0927

Olive Drab Highlight AMIG 0928

Rubber & Tires Color AMIG 0033

Forest Green AMIG 0065

Old Wood AMIG 0036

Crystal Smoke AMIG 095

Crystal Periscope Grn. AMIG

Chipping Color AMIG 0044

Steel AMIG 191

Copper AMIG 0199

Red Mission Models MMP 003

20210220 144547
20210222 010804
20210221 031052
20210221 031055
20210222 010823
20210220 031510
20210222 010811
20210220 031448
20210221 031049

Β Note;

You'll notice the wood pieces jammed between the bogie assemblies. I'm going to disable the workable suspension as it just gives the model a 'rocking horse' effect which takes away from the correct appearance of the model.

More to come..



Ron reacted
Harold Adams
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 93
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Pulled this one down from the shelf, and started over in it by repainting it with AK Interactive Real Colors SCC 15 British Olive Drab. I didn't like the way it looked.Β 

20230814 003744

I then highlighted with same color with a little AK Real Colors Buff added little by little. Did some detail painting, and a applied a test piece of stowage on the turret, where the footman loops were attached on these particular vehicles.Β 

Did an Ak Interactive Satin Coat application via airbrush, and then applied the decals. Main gun barrel camo was painted on using AK Real Colors Insignia White. Still have some small parts to add and stowage. Here's whats done so far..

20230821 011408
20230821 011437
20230821 011422

Thanks for looking!😃

Reputable Member Admin Registered
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Posts: 211

fantastic work man

Harold Adams reacted
Harold Adams
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 93
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Ron, Have you done any projects lately? We're you able to finish the EZ8?


Reputable Member Admin Registered
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Posts: 211

We moved on July 4th from Katy TX to Highlands TX and to a smaller house with more land. That being said I don't have my hobby room just yet as we're waiting on the cooler weather so we can work in that room to get it ready for my hobby. So I have not finished anything this year as of yet. Close on the 1/16 Jeep

Harold Adams
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 93
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Here's more on the Rye Field Models Sherman Firefly VC.

Almost done, just needs some additional stowage, weathering, and small details. It's gettin' there!

20230904 231921
20230904 231832
20230904 231753
20230904 231937
20230904 231744
20230904 231821
20230904 231846
20230904 231731

Β Thanks for looking..😄


Harold Adams
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 93
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Calling this one done!


I've since switched to using AK Interactive Real Color Laquer Acrylic paint. They work great, smooth flow through the airbrush with no issues. Vallejo and Mig paints are used for brush painting.Β 

Anyway this one is done. I highly recommend it to novice builders. Not for beginners.Β  Model went together with no issues. Tracks could be a problem for builders with no patience.Β 

Take a look!

20230910 033726
20230910 033441
20230910 033646
20230910 033519
20230910 033600
20230910 033800
20230910 033621
20230910 033424
20230910 033631
20230910 033542

Β All critiques good and bad are welcome.

Thanks for looking!😃




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