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Ryefield Models M4A3E8 (no interior)

Harold Adams
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 93
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I made a few mistakes on this one, while working on it and accidentally damaged it. It went to the shelf of doom for a bit and then I decided to fix it, and finish it.

But, it is an excellent kit, and very accurate.

I will mention I wasn't trying to build 'Fury'! Although it looks a little like it. 

Whole tank was painted with AK real colors OD and black modulation. And weathered with a variety of products.

All of the stowage is a mixture of Value Gear, Tamiya, Miniart, and Asuka. Tarps and blankets and civilian blankets are tissue paper that was painted appropriately.

The tracks, oh my! The tracks! I assembled them per the instructions and they were a bit of bear to paint and cover all the surfaces. I put the tracks away and saved them for another EZ8 project later and used some AFV Club T66 tracks. What's nice about this kit is you have the ability to tension the tracks tight. And the AFV Club tracks; they look and take paint great. Perfect fit! No issues with them.

Have a look!😄

20220515 023639
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20220515 023607
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20220515 023552


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