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Trumpeter SU-100 1/...
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Trumpeter SU-100 1/16 scale (on hold)

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s l1600

This is next on the bench after the Kubelwagen

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Started building on 3/14/2021
I have a nice area to keep the parts and sprues off the work bench so not so cluttered 

20210314 094142
20210314 095147

Engine was a fast build and almost ready for primer, right off there was a bit of cutting off areas not needed so the floor plate could lay flat

20210315 083018
20210315 083030
20210315 083052

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Been steadily working on the tank destroyer and have been doing quick posts on the Cold Thunder Facebook group and just doing bigger updates here.

Starting off with the engine: It's been painted and no pictures yet, waiting to paint the stand before posting that completed. Also had started the upper sections cleaning up and fitting the larger armor panels. 

20210315 101554 (960x1280)
20210317 080418 (1280x960)

The rear cover was one large PE (photo etched) part with 6 ribs to be glued in place and then slightly bent to match the plastic cover which was so thin it was warped. So the PE part actually made the cover stronger. Also used JB Weld for a stronger hold.

20210318 072550 (960x1280)
20210318 105002 (1280x960)

 Started on the casemate and now it's almost complete, just needs the drivers hatch sprayed body color and the inside sprayed white and the hatch installed and link completed.

20210319 203427 (960x1280)
20210319 203447 (960x1280)
20210319 203459 (1280x960)

The lower hull has been the most work and the most PE as well and is now to the point I think I can spray primer then white.

20210323 071550 (960x1280)
20210327 161716 (960x1280)
20210327 161942 (960x1280)
20210327 161706 (960x1280)
20210328 183508 (960x1280)
20210328 183527 (1280x960)
20210328 183518 (960x1280)
20210331 075955 (960x1280)
20210331 080002 (960x1280)

some of the instructions and another shot of the work area extender 

20210328 183556 (960x1280)
20210323 075651 (960x1280)

as always enjoy and comment or ask questions if you would like 

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Well it's been about a month since the last post so here we go with what's been done.

More fun with photo etch and upper hull

20210406 083226 (960x1280)
20210406 083327 (960x1280)
20210409 093001 (960x1280)
20210409 202903 (960x1280)
20210423 074905 (960x1280)
20210423 074916 (960x1280)
20210423 074940 (960x1280)

Dry fitting the engine and transmission

20210424 203221 (960x1280)
20210424 203213 (960x1280)

 Primer on the inside and then white 

20210425 183032 (960x1280)
20210425 183046 (960x1280)
20210425 184627 (960x1280)
20210425 184642 (960x1280)
20210425 185834 (960x1280)

Started weathering interior and seat

20210426 182934 (1280x955)
20210426 182927 (1010x1280)
20210426 183047 (882x1280)
20210426 183207 (932x1280)
20210426 183225 (1032x1280)
20210426 182959 (1280x1253)
20210426 183025 (1280x1274)
20210429 074832 (960x1280)
20210430 074602 (1280x960)
20210430 074535 (960x1280)
20210430 074638 (960x1280)

Shell time

20210501 152801 (1280x960)
20210501 193445 (960x1280)
20210501 193418 (1280x960)
20210501 193442 (960x1280)
20210502 084145 (960x1280)
20210502 084138 (960x1280)
20210502 084120 (960x1280)

Harold Adams
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Posts: 93

Wow. That looks great! You really like those large scale vehicles. 

While I'm not a fan of assembling kits with interiors I do have a few in my stash! Can't wait to see the finished product.

Ron reacted
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Moving a long still after a little break to redo the model room and 2 weeks of grandkids....  

So we start off with what the body color will look like using Mission Models MMP-031 Russian Dark Green.

20210524 073923

Next the engine has been weathered and waiting to go into the tank

20210611 075331
20210611 075310
20210611 075317
20210611 075336
20210614 082823

The rest is the building of the gun
first part of the build

20210620 181631
20210620 181644
20210620 181658
20210620 181803
20210620 181814
20210623 073148

Second: sanding and filling

20210623 073201
20210623 073210
20210623 105254
20210623 105300

Third: Primer

20210624 065633
20210624 065702
20210624 065711

Fourth: Gunmetal undercoat sprayed

20210625 073323
20210625 073255
20210625 073316
20210625 073330
20210625 073307

Fifth: This will be the white sprayed and then the stages of weathering all in this last area but in order

20210627 185245
20210627 185229
20210627 185254
20210627 185337
20210627 185323
20210628 083024
20210628 083014
20210629 074018
20210629 074007
20210629 074028


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Dry fitting the gun

20210704 125604
20210704 125612
20210704 125619
20210704 125628
20210704 125701

Installed the shells and radio and working on the last two seats

20210707 165224
20210710 094714
20210710 094426
20210710 094352
20210710 102832

 Engine and transmission install and working on the rear deck

20210713 175312
20210713 175319
20210704 125647
20210718 100100



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