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RFM M4A3 76W HVSS Sherman with Full Interior

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Back on this kit and taking it slow with all these small parts and also added a brush holder and storage to the paint bench.

20201018 192818 (1280x960)
20201019 065543 (1280x960)
20201013 180129 (960x1280)

Harold Adams reacted
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moving along with the build, getting ready to primer the two sections then spray light grey on the engine and finish it off soon after that.

20201025 074800
20201025 074747
20201023 095702
20201023 095653
20201023 095641

Harold Adams reacted
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Steady work being done just slow as the glue needs to set or my big hands will knock the tiny parts out of place. Soon the engine will be primed and still flipping between OD or light grey for the engine main color. Also there is not a lot to be seen once all is done but it will still be painted and weathered as if it was to be seen.

20201028 104528
20201028 104537

Working on the transmission seems to be the most of the tiny ass parts are other then the tracks, there is a lot of sub stages and again it won't be seen after it's together. But that's part of the joy (or nightmare 🤪) of building these things.

20201031 115304
20201102 070459
20201102 070445
20201031 115311
20201102 070432


Harold Adams reacted
Harold Adams
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 93

Greetings Ron;

The Easy 8 is starting to look like a tank!😉 Looks fantastic! Are there any fit issues, to be aware of? I have both of those kits, one without interior,  partially built and painted, and one with. (The kit your building)

 Haven't really had any time on the bench. Hopefully that resumes after the election madness. Been working 12 to 14 hours a day 6 or 7 days a week. (I've worked for USPS for 26 years). Panther is coming along and while I was waiting for the VMS track black system, I started the Meng M4A3E2 Jumbo Sherman.  Nice kit! If its anything Sherman, I might have it!

Any got to get ready for work. I'll be checking in more. Be safe!

Ron reacted
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so far no fit problems, just me not looking at some steps right and have to go back and fix ((my mistakes 🤣 )). As for working.... I'm still working from home and last thing they said is it would be that way for the rest of the year.

Be safe as well my friend!

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Slow progress but I did manage to lay down primer on the parts completed. I'll have before and after pictures later

Harold Adams reacted
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Even though the engine will mostly be unseen I still can't help but to do a little bit of weathering.
Working on bringing it together soon as far as transmission and engine.

20201122 185302
20201122 185318

Engine after weathering 

20201124 142021
20201124 141939
20201124 142012
20201124 141950
20201124 141955

Harold Adams reacted
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moving back to the tracks to get them done and out of the way. thinking about leaving one side laying down as in being repaired..

fun with tracks

20201202 182927
20201202 182919
20201202 182914
20201202 185633

This was posted on the Facebook group

20201129 172808

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